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Showing posts from March, 2017


VIDA   “Donde hay amor hay vida.”     Mahatma Gandhi   “Solo hay dos maneras de  vivir tu vida. Una es como si nada fuese un milagro.  La otra es como si todo fuese un milagro.”    Albert Einstein Graciela estaba sentada a orillas del río observando como el agua corría e iba gentilmente acariciando, abrazando las piedrecitas y rocas, lavando sus teces delicadas, duras y grises, limpiándolas, envolviéndolas, acurrucándolas y dándoles vida. Vida! pensó. Qué curiosa es. Lo lleva a uno a lugares que uno jamás hubiera pensado que pudiera hundirnos en sus diversas circunstancias si uno no usara las herramientas que nos son dadas a través del corazón. Cuando no adentramos en nuestro interior a escuchar esa voz silenciosa llena de paz que reside en nuestro entorno que prevé lo que pudiera darse en nuestras vidas y evita que caigamos en lugares que no son muy agradables de perdurar. Esa voz que nos llama ...


LIFE   “Where there is love there is life.”     Mahatma Gandhi   “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.”    Albert Einstein She sat by the river bed and watched as the water trickled gently caressing, kissing, hugging the pebbles and rocks, as it washed their delicate, harsh grey and colored skins, moisturizing them, clearing them, embracing them, giving them life. Life! she thought. "What a curious thing. It takes us to places one would've never known and may drown us in its many circumstances if we do not use the tools that are given to us through the heart. When we don't turn in and listen to that still peaceful, quiet voice within that for sees what may be coming into our lives and keeps us from falling in places that are not much fun to endure. That voice that calls us to awaken, that lies deep within the soul, the ess...