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Bitty the Bee

Bitty the Bee

Totem Meaning of Bees:

Good luck, prosperity, good fortune, sweetness, kindness

Spring has come in full bloom with all its beautiful colors, luscious trees and exquisite nature animals in all of its variety of shapes, forms, expressions and sizes. Among them there was Bitty, Bitty the Bee. She had been dancing from flower to flower, from purple ones, to red ones to yellow and fuchsia ones. Drinking its nectar pollinating and singing a song of joy. Loving every minute of it.

When all of a sudden she flew into a trap. Oh no! What to do now?  She had flown into a screen door, a screen window and could not find its way out. How to come out of it? She fought and flew and wrestled and struggled to go through the screen, only to find herself exhausted.

When I noticed her 'kampf' I opened all the screen doors as much as possible in hopes that she would find her way out.  When noticing that she had not succeeded I grabbed a gentle light stick to see if she would sit on it to get her out, and with the tip of it had gently tapped on one of her delicate motor wings and was afraid it had been hurt,  in hopes of not. Instead she flew up up, where I could not reach her.  She was perhaps wondering where did it all go? Where did all that Spring beauty? Pollination fun go?

I did not know what to do and decided to let it be for a while and decided to give it its space to figure it out. Upon checking after some time had gone by, I realized that the bee had been gone. She seemed to have found her way out back into the enticing beauty she had cherished previously. Hopefully reunited with her friends and family. A sigh of relief took over me, and a smile painted itself on my pleased face.


As I woke up the next morning and took a couple steps into my porch, something drew me to the lower part of the porch screen, where Bitty was still there! She was sitting holding tightly on to it as if for her life. She seemed to be stiff. Was she alive? Could she move? Fly?

As I got closer, I noticed that she could hardly move and that she was indeed, barely alive. I rushed to get a piece of paper towel and told her: "You have got to let me help you! or you will die!"

It took her a moment to get on the paper towel. Then I gently took her outside to the 'open' porch where I placed her on the wooden rim, putting some drops of honey mixed with water near her for her to drink, in hopes that it would give her strength to fly again, but she seemed terrified, shivering  at my presence.  

My mind went to solutions, solutions! What came to me was to put my hand over her and send her healing energy and prayers.  Still no response. 

I decided to let her be and give it some time. After about an hour it had drizzled and she had moved from the brown paper towel to the rim of the porch near where the honey was placed. Perhaps there was hope? I spoke to her, telling her how loved she was and communicated some loving thoughts and words for her to trust me.  

Then something impulsed me to place my hand near the old wooden rim, to see  what Bitty would do?  To my surprise she  turned around and  gently step by step got on the palm of my hand and rested. Then she became alive and started cleaning her antenas and her legs and looked up at me with her black solar eyes.  She seemed to be happy. Something really had shifted for her.

She continued to lay there for a moment as we connected. It was an indescribable moment. I waited. What would she do next? She seemed to be absorbing something from my hand, perhaps energy and comfort, so it felt. Then she gently walked backwards, turned around on my hand and got  back on the rim.  

All of a sudden she took a step forward, then to my huge surprise she spread her little  motorized wings, and took flight. She flew up, back into the garden of Eden that stood before us both.

My awe was complete. My jaw wide opened. What had happened? It was unexplainable. She definitely could not fly before. She had tried several times, and when I got near her, she just stood there shivering, otherwise she would have flown away previously, but she didn't. She didn't! Because, she couldn't. She really couldn't.  To my awe and surprise, after sitting on my hand, she had taken the strength somehow to fly back freely into the forrest.

It was a miracle indeed.  How? Nature and its thousand unfolded mysteries... 

But a  miracle for whom? for Bitty the Bee? who was able to fly back into her freedom, or for me? 

My mind had been pondering, as I had looked at Bitty the Bee, how she had sat on my hand, had greeted me, made a connection, reminding me, to be Still, to listen, to just Be... simply.... Be.

Was it a message from the other side? Was someone coming in to give me some kind of message through her? Was she teaching me of the power of love?

After having decided to let it go...  I remembered! 

Smiled and walked.... away... 


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