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Showing posts from July, 2017

Darvina, the One with the Dirty Shoes

Darvina, the One with the Dirty Shoes Once upon a time there was Darvina, the one with the dirty shoes. She loved her shoes that had features of her life printed on them. Shoes that had walked through various places: through palaces, through elegant houses, villages, rivers, forests, through markets, through long roads that life had presented to her. Every time she passed somewhere, no one noticed her. Her dirty shoes were her emblem, she did not change them for anything in the world, broken as they were, comfortable as a glove. Once walking along the road an old man appeared to her, sitting on by the highway, shepherding a white sheep. The sheep with its entangled hair and gray stains, picture imaged her broken shoes, gray, semi-white, black and dirty - dirty. It even seemed that they had a bad smell. Darvina did not care. The world had made her that way. She once had a pair of red patent leather shoes, shiny and clean. They were...

Darvina, la de los Zapatos Sucios

Darvina la de los Zapatos Sucios Erase una vez Darvina, la de los zapatos sucios. Le encantaban sus zapatos que tenían rasgos de su vida marcados en ellos. Zapatos que hubiesen caminado por varios lugares: por palacios, por casas elegantes, por pueblos, ríos, bosques, por mercados, por carreteras largas que la vida le había presentado. Cada vez que ella pasaba por algún lugar nadie la notaba, pues pasaba por desapercibida aunque tuviese una sonrisa en su cara. Sus zapatos sucios eran su emblema, no los cambiaba por nada en el mundo, rotos como estuviesen, cómodos como un guante. Una vez caminando por la carretera se le apareció un anciano, sentado a la orilla cuidando una oveja blanca. La oveja con su melena enredada y manchas de gris, reflejaba pintadamente sus zapatos, grises, entriblancos, negros y sucios - re sucios. Pareciera que hasta tuvieran un olor no muy agradable. A Darvina no le importaba. El mundo la había hecho así. Alguna vez tuvo sus zapato...