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A Dream and the Heart

The Signs

"When you want something,
all of the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"

Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist~

I was feeling worn out. I had reached a place within me where enough is enough. A set of events culminated and took me to live in a very parasidic garden. In Truth. A wonderful miracle. I felt very lucky when I arrived and sad and overwhelmed at the same time. One big step had taken place and yet I did not know what would follow in my life.

My book manuscript is finally finished. Its title is "Petals ~ Petalos". soon it will be in your hands, very soon. I always dreamed that Paulo Coelho would read it and write a comment for its back cover.

Some nights ago, I could not sleep. I felt my life was not moving forward since the adjustment to the changes. I felt stuck.

That night it was 2 am. My soul was restless. Suddenly an idea came into my mind and I started pondering of how I could send a message to Paulo Coelho. I got into Facebook and looked him up and saw that his message button was available. I did not know if it was the real him, him. Since the majority of celebrities have other people or agents to take care of their media.

Still, I took a chance and wrote him. I shared that I had written my first book and would be grateful if he could give me some guidance for the final revision, then went back to sleep. The next day I thought, "I don't know if it is the real him, him. Or if he would receive my message. Most probably not. For me, the important thing was that I had sent a sign to the Universe that I wanted to contact and communicate with Paulo Coelho.

So I got up and started doing my chores. When suddenly I hear the bling ring of my messenger and did not know who it was. I kept doing my activities and was involved in them. When something nudged me within to go check the messages. It was from him! I started reading it and felt, it was the real him him, the real Paulo Coelho. I couldn't believe it!

His words, the sound of the voice, the energy behind it all were unmistakable. A truly extraordinary magic moment. I felt as if though this powerful, expansive, wave of energy filled with love and understanding showered over me. Indescribable. My soul's heart smiled. He shared some ideas that I could apply and several of his links.

He wrote these words, messages from his books:

"Follow your dreams and your dreams will follow you."

"Observe the signs and follow your heart."

The rest of what he wrote me. I would like to keep to myself.

Still I was in doubt if it was him, the real him, him or not. Something said yes, because of the experience that I had in that moment, yet there was that little sense, that little nudge.

The next day I decided to sit in my back porch. A gift from God with two acres of woods as my garden, and started meditating and observing the trees that swayed with the wind that blew and caressed their skins. I went into the silence to listen to the whispers that the woods held within them. A secret garden.

On my right side by the wooden rims there was a cardinal bird greeting me with its song. Then two squirrels were running, playing in the garden falling in love with each other. At a far I could hear the loud screech of my beloved hawk. Then a chipmunk came to stand near the doorsteps greeting me hugging its little hands, while butterflies glided disappearing in the uncombed branches of the trees. And a wood pecker with its red crown on the tree next to me knocking its way to the top, as a little blue lizard hid itself in the rocks before me. This is what this garden holds... magical!!

Then suddenly I looked up into the heavens. What I saw. Surprised me. The whole sky was covered with the leaves of the tree tops except one little window that formed a perfect heart. In that moment a warm sense of Peace took over me, reconfirming that I was at the right place at the right time where my soul needed to be in that now moment.

To me it was a further confirmation that it was the real Paulo Coelho who had written me, leaving me a footprint, a smile and a sign. The thoughts that passed through my mind again, were :

"Observe the signs and follow your Heart"

Almost every day I sit on the porch to view my garden. Where the tree top branches cover the skies except one little window that forms a beautiful and open heart towards the heavens. Even though I did not get a signature from him for the back cover of my book, a thread of magical events had taken place, making me realize perhaps it need not be.

A few days later I was able to take a better picture. This experience made me ponder and realize that all dreams are possible.

That life is filled with magic, every day in the corner of a wonderful place that we as humans call... life...


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