Amelia's Flowers
Amelia walked across the garden with her bare feet. She had just witnessed a scene in the home she lived in that caught her heart. What to do? Was she to get involved? Was she to fight for what was right? or was she in danger? if she did?
As her heart churned she grabbed an apple and walked into the garden, into the woods, with her naked feet, she had no time to think or put shoes on. She needed to get out. Now. So she did. As she mind blankly walked into the forrest she forgot where she was.
Then she suddenly heard a sound. A call. It was a black crow. Shiny feathers in black and blue. Crowing non stop. As if though announcing something. She found a rock to sit on and stared at the bird as it spread its wings and flew away into the darkest part of the forrest. Her heart was palpitating and her hands were sweaty. Poor children, she thought. She could feel the screams running through her whole body that even rose, hit her in the stomach and gave her a headache. She wanted to scream back and run up to confront the mother. Tell her to stop treating the kids in that way. Wanted to call for help. What to do? Whom to talk to?
What a person. A good hearted woman, Christian, she says, yelling at her children in that way. She became a monster. And Amelia living in the basement did not know what to do. After her listening to these screams for some time above and having felt neglected herself as a tenant. She was ready to move on into a new chapter in her life. Yet she did not know where to go. Whether to stay in the same town, move to her homeland or travel into Europe.
Yet the question remained. How to help these children? 5 and 10. They had won her heart over. Since due to the sometimes negligence of their mother. She had taken care of them many times without a thank you in return. She didn't mind, she just loved to play with them and loved them. They are light beings and are here learning intense lessons. The mother was kind and a good person making money to become part of the Country Club, the Polo Clubs and the high standards of living made her focus on work and more work - extreme stress took over her. A sad situation that many families live.
Amelia looked at the trees, when suddenly a snake curled gently and slowly around her ankle. At first she tensed, her whole body froze. Then she felt the skin rubbing against her ankle the snake stood still around it. She was not afraid of nature, she felt that nature always spoke. It was not a big one. It was medium sized with a light blue touch on its rough skin. That is exactly how she felt. "Trapped." "Tied down" from her Power "Snake" symbol. As she breathed she spoke to the snake and thanked it and sent it waves of light as the snake loosened her ankle and set her free to continue on her journey. A flame of light crossed her mind. She knew exactly what to do.
As she walked back to the house she gathered all the wild flowers she could find on the way. There were pink ones and lila blue ones, white, red, orange with its many expressions of beauty. She looked at the heavens. A sense of Freedom had taken place in her heart. She was not in charge. Spirit was. Yet it had spoken to her.
As she reached the house. She washed her feet and bathed as she placed the flowers in a beautiful vase. She then got elegantly dressed and put on her best garments. She placed a small golden bow on the flower vase and went around the house to knock on the door.
The mother answered with a frown on her forehead. "These are for you!" she said. The mother looked into Amelia's eyes and began to cry. A river of sadness and madness started pouring out of her as she gazed at the flowers.
"Thank you," she said. She then quietly closed the door.
Amelia walked back into her apartment and started packing. She was ready to move on, yet still had a few more weeks to remain there.
She did not hear another scream towards the children ever again since.
They were free and she was free to move... on....
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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