In the Mist of the Light

It was one December night! Yes! very close to Christmas. Camilia was excited. She had gathered all her ideas and was hoping to invite her friends and family for a dinner. It was time for her to be the host, she thought. All the decorations were set up. The tree with gold and silver bows and shimmering lights, with a bright star on the top. The candles that lit the whole room invading it with a scent of warmth and harmony.She was going to get tamales and horchata, and some fun ginger cookies and tortillas, a festive latin american dinner. She had chosen some beautiful music and had spent a couple of nights reading Short Christmas stories to chose the right one to bring a heart warming mood into the evening.
As she looked around her beautiful, elegant, yet small all prepped up home. She realized that the space was perhaps too small and that most likely not everyone would be happy there. Sadness clouded her heart. The excitement faded away. A dream she so cherished to have, could not take place, not at this time.
When she became aware, she decided to call one of her relatives to see if any other plans where taking place, only to learn that they were all gathering at someone else's house, yet she was not invited. It's family matters, they said. Her heart sunk, her mind shifted into an out of reality space... she did not understand. That is when she heard the knock.
When she became aware, she decided to call one of her relatives to see if any other plans where taking place, only to learn that they were all gathering at someone else's house, yet she was not invited. It's family matters, they said. Her heart sunk, her mind shifted into an out of reality space... she did not understand. That is when she heard the knock.
It was a loud knock. She drew closer and decided to peek out the window but saw no one there. She turned back to attend to her things, when, suddenly the knock came again. This time louder. She took a step back, got closer to the door, looked outside and saw no one. She decided to muster up her courage and open the door. As she turned her head to the right then to the left, there was still no sign of life. Then, a whisper of the wind blew near her inviting her to step outside, as she did, another swirl of the wind pulled her out, inviting her to got out further into the night. It was chilly yet bearable, cool, yet fresh.
As Camilia continued, she then found herself in the middle of the forrest. It was dark and filled with fireflies greeting the night, showing sparkles of light throughout the garden. A hoot of an owl communicating with another owl could be heard at a distance. It was almost midnight. She walked gently, silently when all of a sudden there was the sound of a crack and she fell into a hole.
She began to glide down suspended in space. This is how Alice, from Alice in wonderland must have felt. A mystery of where life was going to take her, a deep... seated.. suspense, a gnawing feeling in her gut. She decided to completely let go, as the emptiness she had felt was very deep. The pain was like none other she had ever experienced before. The numbness...
The deeper she fell, the more she realized that a sense of freedom was taking over her.
She began to glide down suspended in space. This is how Alice, from Alice in wonderland must have felt. A mystery of where life was going to take her, a deep... seated.. suspense, a gnawing feeling in her gut. She decided to completely let go, as the emptiness she had felt was very deep. The pain was like none other she had ever experienced before. The numbness...
The deeper she fell, the more she realized that a sense of freedom was taking over her.

That is when a being of light appeared and said:
~ "It is time to be happy There are many things you cannot see with the human eye, yet your soul has gotten to this point to release and let go of all the attachments you have had and as you let go.... completely let go... absolutely let go. Then you will feel a shift in your heart. You will find the way..."
Camilia did not understand what was going on at any level. All she knew was that she was ready... ready for a change... ready for an awakening she could not yet conceive or understand. Ready to step into the unknown.
As she continued to fall, she knew, as Alice in Wonderland knew, that she was going to discover a whole new world....
~ "It is time to be happy There are many things you cannot see with the human eye, yet your soul has gotten to this point to release and let go of all the attachments you have had and as you let go.... completely let go... absolutely let go. Then you will feel a shift in your heart. You will find the way..."
Camilia did not understand what was going on at any level. All she knew was that she was ready... ready for a change... ready for an awakening she could not yet conceive or understand. Ready to step into the unknown.
As she continued to fall, she knew, as Alice in Wonderland knew, that she was going to discover a whole new world....
After a while, she landed, not in body, as a soul into the land of Peace. Deep inner rooted Peace. And as she looked around her, within her, above and beyond her, all she saw was light and all she felt was Peace.
She gathered her strength and stepped into the realm of the light... and there she went deep into a higher reality... where she decided.... never to look back... never to return...
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