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Showing posts from 2017

Corley the Wisdom Turtle...

Corley, the Wisdom Turtle The grass was moving and the weeds were swaying, brushing its tops to reach the skies. Was it the wind? Although all of a sudden I heard a very gentle swish swash, very  quietly. As I look down and viewed closer. I realized that it was, yep, Corley, the turtle - the wisdom turtle. My heart sprang with joy. It had not appeared for over a year and I always wondered whether it was still alive. Had it survived the dry spells? It lived beneath the wooden porch and used to come out once in a while. Especially when it was going to rain. It was a dry hot summer day. The heat was pressing and knocking its way all around. The feeling of tiredness and exhaustion always comes with these temperatures. Yet that day, when I saw Corley, it was surely an announcement that rain was on its way. And it was. A few moments later the winds cuddled dark clouds in the skies and build momentum, until its tears dropped and showered mother earth with its...

Darvina, the One with the Dirty Shoes

Darvina, the One with the Dirty Shoes Once upon a time there was Darvina, the one with the dirty shoes. She loved her shoes that had features of her life printed on them. Shoes that had walked through various places: through palaces, through elegant houses, villages, rivers, forests, through markets, through long roads that life had presented to her. Every time she passed somewhere, no one noticed her. Her dirty shoes were her emblem, she did not change them for anything in the world, broken as they were, comfortable as a glove. Once walking along the road an old man appeared to her, sitting on by the highway, shepherding a white sheep. The sheep with its entangled hair and gray stains, picture imaged her broken shoes, gray, semi-white, black and dirty - dirty. It even seemed that they had a bad smell. Darvina did not care. The world had made her that way. She once had a pair of red patent leather shoes, shiny and clean. They were...

Darvina, la de los Zapatos Sucios

Darvina la de los Zapatos Sucios Erase una vez Darvina, la de los zapatos sucios. Le encantaban sus zapatos que tenían rasgos de su vida marcados en ellos. Zapatos que hubiesen caminado por varios lugares: por palacios, por casas elegantes, por pueblos, ríos, bosques, por mercados, por carreteras largas que la vida le había presentado. Cada vez que ella pasaba por algún lugar nadie la notaba, pues pasaba por desapercibida aunque tuviese una sonrisa en su cara. Sus zapatos sucios eran su emblema, no los cambiaba por nada en el mundo, rotos como estuviesen, cómodos como un guante. Una vez caminando por la carretera se le apareció un anciano, sentado a la orilla cuidando una oveja blanca. La oveja con su melena enredada y manchas de gris, reflejaba pintadamente sus zapatos, grises, entriblancos, negros y sucios - re sucios. Pareciera que hasta tuvieran un olor no muy agradable. A Darvina no le importaba. El mundo la había hecho así. Alguna vez tuvo sus zapato...

'Dora' the Lady Bug

Dora  the Miracle Lady Bug Nature always speaks to us, through its many colors, contours, winds and airs, sounds and mysteries, and especially through animals and their unique characteristics and totem meanings and scriptures. I really believe animals speak to us every day giving us messages to help us have a more meaningful life, filled with magic in a deeper sense and sensibility .  I woke up early that morning, grabbed my iphone and walked towards the porch to have my morning green juice, then placed my iphone" (addictive as it is) on the rim of the porch. When suddenly I became aware that there was a beautiful orange ladybug with a glow of a big hello. I greeted it with  a smile and felt great joy in my heart for they represent good fortune, and other deeper totem meanings, plus are so beautiful an vibrant. After a moment I became aware that it could not fly. It tried several times to stretch its wings yet one of them seemed to not work very well....

Motherhood in Nature ~ A true Story

How Nature Stands I love nature and believe that all of nature feels, is alive and has intelligence. A few months back I was sitting on my porch where there is a view of 2 acres of beautiful woods as all wildlife comes to life and continues to gift me with its many inhabitants, their dances, lives and beauty. A breath taking scene that nurtures and uplifts my soul. Carolina Wren Almost every day I had been sitting on my porch observing nature. Among it there was this little Carolina Wren, who always sat near my porch to greet me. She chirped and had something on her mouth. As I observed her, she flew on top of the bathroom window, where she was building a nest. I would see this continuum almost every day. She would chirp like announcing herself. Then she would fly to the bathroom window to continue building and propping her nest. There was this sense of proudness coming from her.  I could feel her energy and joy, but also the sense of responsibility she felt...

Amelia's Flowers

Amelia's Flowers Amelia walked across the garden with her bare feet. She had just witnessed a scene in the home she lived in that caught her heart. What to do? Was she to get involved? Was she to fight for what was right? or was she in danger? if she did? As her heart churned she grabbed an apple and walked into the garden, into the woods, with her naked feet, she had no time to think or put shoes on. She needed to get out. Now. So she did. As she mind blankly walked into the forrest she forgot where she was. Then she suddenly heard a sound. A call. It was a black crow. Shiny feathers in black and blue. Crowing non stop. As if though announcing something. She found a rock to sit on and stared at the bird as it spread its wings and flew away into the darkest part of the forrest.  Her heart was palpitating and her hands were sweaty. Poor children, she thought.  She could feel the screams running through her whole body that even rose, hit her in the s...


VIDA   “Donde hay amor hay vida.”     Mahatma Gandhi   “Solo hay dos maneras de  vivir tu vida. Una es como si nada fuese un milagro.  La otra es como si todo fuese un milagro.”    Albert Einstein Graciela estaba sentada a orillas del río observando como el agua corría e iba gentilmente acariciando, abrazando las piedrecitas y rocas, lavando sus teces delicadas, duras y grises, limpiándolas, envolviéndolas, acurrucándolas y dándoles vida. Vida! pensó. Qué curiosa es. Lo lleva a uno a lugares que uno jamás hubiera pensado que pudiera hundirnos en sus diversas circunstancias si uno no usara las herramientas que nos son dadas a través del corazón. Cuando no adentramos en nuestro interior a escuchar esa voz silenciosa llena de paz que reside en nuestro entorno que prevé lo que pudiera darse en nuestras vidas y evita que caigamos en lugares que no son muy agradables de perdurar. Esa voz que nos llama ...


LIFE   “Where there is love there is life.”     Mahatma Gandhi   “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle.  The other is as though everything is a miracle.”    Albert Einstein She sat by the river bed and watched as the water trickled gently caressing, kissing, hugging the pebbles and rocks, as it washed their delicate, harsh grey and colored skins, moisturizing them, clearing them, embracing them, giving them life. Life! she thought. "What a curious thing. It takes us to places one would've never known and may drown us in its many circumstances if we do not use the tools that are given to us through the heart. When we don't turn in and listen to that still peaceful, quiet voice within that for sees what may be coming into our lives and keeps us from falling in places that are not much fun to endure. That voice that calls us to awaken, that lies deep within the soul, the ess...