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Betty the Bumble Bee

Betty the Bumble Bee

Image may contain: plant, tree, outdoor and nature

Time is ticking and so is Elda's heart. She sat on the back porch of her house on the old wooden rocking chair that squeaked every time she gently rocked back and forth, back and forth. The rays of the sun were settling through the uncombed branches of the trees and garden where many wild animals nest and thrive.

She knew it was coming close. She knew. She had had dreams about it and her whole body could feel it. A shift. A major shift. How it was going to take place was still inquirious. Yet, that it was going to happen, was a certainty. She drifted into a sleep, as the rocking chair continued to nestle her with its squeaky song, helping her to fall into a deep slumber.

All of a sudden, the wind blew strong, forcing the screen door to open, blowing into Elda's face, awakening her, as it stirred and uncombed her long silky blond hair. She stretched and lifted her delicate body and walked into the side door, where she had, a couple days before met Betty the bee. Betty the Bumble bee. 

Betty had brought joy to her heart in the middle of a strong storm that had hit her soul, reminding her that: "Everything was going to be okay." Also that, "new, prosperous adventures and outcomes were on their way." Except one. She knew that one, had to happen and was hoping: "Not yet." She was not ready, yet how is someone ready for such a thing. It is the cycle of life and the cycle of life, needs to take place. 

When she initially heard the news she strove with madness "why won't they listen to nature?" She thought. Many are so caught up, following what "Others" say, "Others" opinions and thoughts, instead of listening to their own and following their own inner guidance. She herself had fallen prone to the same bait of getting trapped many a time in what "Others" say, as oppose to following  her inner guidance, and the messages nature has to hold. The whispers, of nature.

Elda would sometimes share with family members and friends her encounters with nature that she treasured. Sometimes not seen with a keen eye. At this moment it was Betty the Bee, who was coming to her every day, to greet her and connect with her, yet Elda still did not quite figure out what Betty was trying to tell her.  She waited. 

That afternoon as the wind had previously greeted her, inviting her to step outside, sure enough there was Betty with her motor wings, flying happily around the wooden rims that stood in the outside porch. Then, at some point flying around Elda, dancing in a swirl as a way of saying: "Hello!" She  also wondered if someone from the 'other side' was trying to send greetings, as they tend to do so with love through nature, like ladybugs, birds, butterflies and in many other ways. 

She smiled in the middle of all the currents of pain she had suffered days prior in the process of understanding life and its many undertakings. Many times, she did not comprehend and just moved through it. How could it be, that in such a beautiful world, with drape paintings of nature all around could bring small misfortunes or so they seemed. She decided to join with Betty in her dance and embraced her, telling her how much she loved her. Betty seemed to love it and continued to be around her for quite a long time, what seemed like hours which is very unusual for a Bumble bee to do. As she observed her and  her flight, her tiny wings carrying such a big yellow and black striped body. How she fluttered all around her, went and came at her own leisure, with no agenda at hand. Springing forth into Spring.

Image may contain: plant and flower

Elda wondered how the Bee viewed her or sensed her.  She could only feel that it wanted to connect with her and make sure she got the messages she was conveying. A puzzle yet for Elda to resolve. In the mean time, Betty is bringing her much joy and the assurance that new things are coming into her life and that many dreams will come true for her at the divine right timing. 

A reassurance Elda needed to receive, the love and the 'connection', the contact, the communication that takes place in a 'non word' 'non verbal' world is felt like a gentle kiss, a greeting of kindness and bonding, many do not yet understand.

As they were both receiving the rays of the sun and were dancing to the tune of the Bumble bees wings... there's a whisper...  a reminder that... 

Time is ticking and so is Elda's heart... 


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